Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China's 100 Questions

Average Rating:
9 Reviews
TitleAuthenticating Tibet: Answers to China's 100 Questions
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBuffetrille, Katia, Anne-Marie Blondeau, and Donald Lopez
Number of Pages402
PublisherUniversity of California Press

The land of Tibet—its people, culture, and religion—has long been both an object of contention and a source of fascination. Since 1959, Tibet has also been at the center of controversy when China's "peaceful liberation" of the land of snows led to the Lhasa uprising and the Dalai Lama's escape to India. Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China's "100 Questions" offers clear and unbiased responses to a booklet published by the Chinese government in 1989, which sought to counter the criticism generated by the Dalai Lama and his followers and offer the PRC's "truth" about Tibet and Tibetans. In Authenticating Tibet, international Tibet scholars provide historically accurate answers to 100 Questions and deal evenhandedly with both China's "truth" about Tibet and that of the Dalai Lama and his followers. Designed for use by a general audience, the book is an accessible reference, free of the polemics that commonly surround the Tibet question. Although these experts refute many of the points asserted by China, they do not offer blanket endorsements for the claims made by the pro-Tibet movement. Instead, they provide an accurate, historically based assessment of Tibet's past and its troubled present. (Amazon)


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9 Reviews

Reviews for Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China's 100 Questions


Posted By: Joanne Beaver

Posted On: October 14, 2018

Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China's 100 Questions offers a great format to look at specific issues between Tibet and China. One can find specific issues based on interest and see the answer from the perspective of the Chinese official answer and then see scholarly analysis of the topic from different academics outside of China. Using the book as a reference to those topics allows the reader to pick and choose the items they may find most relevant. The caveat to approaching the book this way, however, is that the reader should read the foreward to have a clearer understanding of this approach.

The book’s approach helps to clarify China’s justification for its invasion of China and also helps the reader with insights into China’s rationalization with the damage from the Cultural Revolution. The format shows the Chinese explanation first followed by a scholar’s more detailed and complex answer to the issue. The approach allows the reader to see the complexities of the issue with much more nuance and insight than the Chinese propaganda.

The book provides a solid overview of the relationship between the Chinese and Tibetans. It also helps to show how the Chinese use propaganda to present their case for control of Tibet to the world.


Posted By: Terry Owens

Posted On: June 30, 2018

This book is a thorough (some might say) exhaustive review of the history and current situation in Tibet. Because the Tibetan, Tibetan exiles, and Chinese government have such differing views on the history and placement of Tibet within a larger China, pains are taken by the authors to include and update several sources of information. This is probably the most impressive part of the book-the attempt to find an authentic view of Tibetan history and recent history. within the opposing narratives offered by several sides.
Many topics are examined and in a way that is accessible to many readers-the academic, the student, or anyone interested in reading and learning about Tibet today and the struggles that have led to the current situation. As a teacher, I would find this book useful as a reference. If students were doing any work on TIbet or China's "One road" initiative, this would be an excellent source. The format and organization lend itself to quick scanning or in-depth research, with a good list of references.
Tibet presents an excellent starting point to studying other conflicts in the world: Palestinian, Northern Ireland, Yemen, even our current political conflict in the US. This book could be helpful in getting started, understanding the completely divergent narratives presented by both sides, and at least becoming familiar with a future path-whether it is completely CHinese government driven or acceptible to Tibetans who live in Tibet.


Posted By: Amy Liberatore

Posted On: June 23, 2018

Amy Liberatore
Grades 10-12
Courses: AP World History, AP US History, Survey of World Religions elective
Warrior Run High School, Turbotville, PA

Authenticating Tibet: Answer to China’s 100 Questions edited by Anne-Marie Blondeau and Katia Buffetrille
is a 2008 publication in response to the Chinese publication 100 Questions about Tibet in which the Chinese propaganda text justifies its position on significant issues being debated by the pro-Chinese and pro-Tibetan camps. Topics addressed include human rights, religion, economics, population, policies toward the Dalai Lama, etc. An English translation was distributed by Chinese embassies in 1989. The original publication of Authenticating Tibet was printed in French in 2002 , addressing each of the Chinese 100 questions, using as objective resources as possible. The 2008 English language publication of Authenticating Tibet was an updated response to a updated 2001 Chinese publication of 100 Questions about Tibet.

Authenticating Tibet is a reference resource for anyone who would like to have a more complete understanding of the Chinese approach and viewpoints regarding Tibet, and the Tibetan communities perspectives, as well. Each question from 100 Questions about Tibet is addressed, first by providing excerpted original Chinese text, followed by a response from one or more expert contributors. The ten main sections within the book are: historical facts, human rights, policies toward the Dalai Lama, population, religious belief, right to autonomy, culture and education, economic development, livelihood of the people, and about the riots in Lhasa. Obviously, some of these topics and their related questions overlap with other sections of the text. The writers note these overlaps and provide references to the related questions if the reader would like to re-read or cross-reference related topics.

The seemingly objective approach of this text was appreciated, as the authors indicate that neither “side” was always completely correct or incorrect throughout, and both the Chinese and Tibetan position on the issues have been scrutinized. It appears to represent a much more balanced view than reading publications associated with the Chinese or Tibetan point of view. The authors use statistics, where appropriate and available, and reliable sources to provide as complete picture of the issues as possible. One feature, particularly useful to teachers and their students is the organization of the text. One can read the questions or sections related to a topic of focus, without necessarily needing to read the entire text. The ability to address specific issues, especially when there are so many, allows teachers to focus on those most relevant to their students. Another beneficial aspect to this text is wide range of topics addressed, rather than focusing solely on political or religious aspects of the Sino-Tibetan debate.


Posted By: Stephanie Rizas

Posted On: June 6, 2018

The purpose of this book is to provide a scholarly response to the Chinese published "100 Questions about Tibet" which seems to be racked with propaganda and skewed versions of historical accounts. As the reader follows Tibetan history from the 7th century through 2008, this approach is both helpful and cumbersome. On the one hand, each question is followed with a short summary of the original Chinese response published in the "100 Questions" book, followed by a nuanced answer from international Tibetan scholars. Many of these back-and-forth responses are informative and fascinating - reading the 2 varying dichotomies of perspective on issues related to Tibet are astonishing. However, particularly with respect to early Tibetan history, it is easy for the reader to get lost in the minutia of which central Asian tribe did what - it can be confusing. For someone with very little understanding of the issues pertaining to Tibet, this book is a great primer. Those who are already familiar with Sino-Tibetan issues might be more inclined to cherry pick a few questions here or there that might help enhance their understanding.


Posted By: LaCinda Betz Coup

Posted On: June 3, 2018

This text is a comprehensive reference of the political, religious, cultural, and economic issues of Tibet.  Beginning with the history of Tibet, the book is a compilation of in-depth responses to a 1989 Chinese publication entitled '100 Questions about Tibet.'  The contributors present the reader with factual information while striving to offer an unbiased perspective on the multifaceted issues facing Tibet today. It is interesting to read the Chinese responses to the '100 Questions' and how the wording and language the Chinese use make them appear as benevolent benefactors to an oppressed Tibetan people. In the forward to the book, Donald Lopez makes a distinction between propaganda and scholarship. After reading the text, it is easy to differentiate between the two as it applies to the autonomous region of Tibet.

This book would be an excellent resource for high school students seeking an understanding of the complexities that face the Tibetan people. However, it is not an easy read and having some prior knowledge of Chinese history, particularly the Cultural Revolution, would be very beneficial.