Korea's Silla Dynasty

TitleKorea's Silla Dynasty
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
Date PublishedMarch

"We travel this month to a little-known, but highly advanced, fascinating and intriguing civilization! It flourished about 1,500 years ago, interacted with China and Japan but managed, at the same time, to preserve its own identity, and created magnificent eye-inspiring structures. How did the smallest of Korea's three kingdoms become the dominant master? What was its bone-rank system - and why did it determined who could rule and even what people could do? What role did martial arts (yes, the arts similar to judo, karate, and sumo) in the kingdom's rise to power? Why were tomb mounds so important - and what do they contain? Sound exciting? It sure is - so, you won't want to miss CALLIOPE ®'s trip back in time to Korea's Silla Dynasty! Prepare for time-warp - and see you there!" (text taken from cobblestonepub.com)


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