Silk Road

TitleSilk Road
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
Date PublishedFebruary

"The famed Silk Roads will be this month's theme and what a fascinating topic that is sure to be! Have you ever wondered which is correct: Silk Roads or Silk Road? Well, join us and find out. You'll also meet a variety of people, from many countries and various professions, whose lives were directly affected by those who traded along this fabled and ancient route. Find out just what they traveled in, and why it differed from place to place. Find out, too, why this path helped spread disease and plague. Enter the cities of Dunhuang, Karokorum, Turfan and hear the clamor at the market, the shouts of traders speaking a multitude of languages, the joyous expression of musicians playing their tunes and dancers swirling through their performances, and the questions posed by monks and other religious members traveling beyond the areas where their religions were practiced. Try some of the foods that traveled the route as well. See you soon on the steppes in Central Asia!" (text taken from


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