Animal Themed Kamishibai Unit

This unit will begin with the story, The Kamishibai Man by Allen Say, and a brief discussion about the history of kamishibai tales. Students will explore, Kogi's Mysterious Journey written by Elizabeth Partridge. This book tells the story of Kogi, who wishes to capture the true essence of nature in his artwork. His magical journey involves discovering what it is like to be one with nature, when he becomes a fish! The students will perform research on an animal from Japan that is currently on the conservation list and use the information they collect to develop their own mysterious journey story/kamishibai tale An additional part of this unit will involve the students learning about and writing haiku poetry based on self-selected images from the book, Kogi's Mysterious Journey.

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This Work, Animal Themed Kamishibai Unit, by simonl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.