The Importance of China's Educational System from Confucianism through Today

Grade Level: 10th Grade Honors English

Rationale: The focus of this class is world literature, while specifically preparing students for college level reading, writing and critical thinking. Therefore, it is my goal and aim to provide literature from various countries around the world in order to enhance my students’ understanding of global studies. After visiting China this summer, I have decided to spend approximately 9-12 weeks on the study of China and Chinese literature. My focus will be on education and how that has shaped China’s past, present and future. I believe that this is of upmost importance to these particular students who are preparing for college and will, no doubt, need an understanding of China and the Chinese culture as they navigate into their adulthood and careers.

Main Readings:

- “The Confucian Analects”—This was chosen due to its importance in the Chinese culture and corresponds with the readings in our 10th grade anthology (Prentice Hall).
- The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck—This novel was chosen because it is commonly taught to all 10th grade students and is approved by the district. I believe that this novel has many great attributes that will help students understand China’s past. It creates for rich discussion and generally, the students enjoy this novel and the plight of the protagonist, Wang Lung.
- Through Chinese Eyes: Traditions, Revolution and Transformation by Edward Vernoff and Peter J. Seybolt

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States
This Work, The Importance of China's Educational System from Confucianism through Today, by Sarah Walls is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States license.